FOSTERS is a humanitarian organization that helps people who are suffering through saving lives and maintaining human dignity at anytime, anyplace in Uganda. We are responsible, aware of the circumstances of other people’s lives and helping them on the basis of need without discrimination.
Uganda continues to face conflict – related humanitarian and protection challenges. The far eastern region, the most vulnerable part of the country with the high rates of poverty, high numbers of children facing hunger and malnutrition, high illiteracy, natural disaster attacks like landslides to people residing in the area of Bududa, and many more, there is more than 5 million people including men, women and children that need Humanitarian aid.
The refugee population in Uganda has also increased from 200,000 in 2012 to more than 1.2 million. As a whole, these refugees are coming from more than 10 countries around the globe including South Sudan, Congo, Rwanda, Somalia, Eritrea, Afghanistan and many more. Most of these people are affected by wars, political instabilities and poverty in their countries hence seeking refuge and asylum in Uganda. These people need water for drinking, food to eat, education for the children and all life basic necessities to live on and feel safe.
This brings Foster Friends Uganda (FOSTERS) to tackle all these pressing humanitarian issues among different communities in Uganda. The organization programs are based on four pillars: building a protective environment and supporting community peace building; preventing and responding to the violent exploitation of children; fighting hunger and malnutrition, increasing access to basic services; and strengthening emergency preparedness and response systems.