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Community development is a holistic approach grounded in principles of empowerment, human rights, inclusion, social justice, self-determination and collective action. The key roles of Foster Friends Uganda (FOSTERS) community development are to resource and empower the community. This is done through a broad range of actions and activities that change depending on the context.


When an issue or problem is defined by Foster Friends Uganda (FOSTERS), we develop strategies to solve the problem and then involve community members in these strategies. Ongoing responsibility for the program may be handed over to community members and community groups as we further establish more community development programs.

The following below are the community development schemes we work on to develop and support our different communities:

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Education is the key towards building a society that can overcome poverty in a sustainable manner. Investing in human capital brings about powerful social change and creates opportunities for children to realize their full potential.  Education is recognized as one of the keys to fighting poverty, but despite the awareness of that fact, many families in Uganda are facing poverty, which forces families to put children to work or into other improper life situations at a young age.



Children’s rights are human rights for children. In 1989 governments across the world promised all children the same rights by adopting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. ‘Rights’ are entitlements every child should have. The Convention says what countries must do so that children grow as healthy as possible, can learn at school, receive protection, have their views listened to, and are treated fairly. All children have the same rights, no matter whom they are or where they come from. All the rights are connected, and all are equally important — they cannot be taken away from children.

Thou that remain a fact, children rights are demoralized everyday in Uganda.



Uganda remains a lower-income country. The people of the country have struggled to combat hunger in Uganda. Because of poverty, Uganda faces widespread of malnutrition, which has led to more than 110,000 deaths of children between 2004 and 2009. Organizations have committed efforts to address the issue of hunger in Uganda including an innovative way to fight hunger developed by the Foster Friends Uganda (FOSTERS)


A disaster is an occurrence disrupting the normal conditions of existence and causing a level of suffering that exceeds the capacity of adjustment of the people in a community. It is the people who matter most, and without the people we have no disaster.

By understanding the importance of disaster preparedness and response, the organization recognizes the interconnectedness of its priority areas under the disaster preparedness and response. It also challenges governments to consider disaster risk reduction in national development and disaster planning, and highlights the role of communities and other actors in reducing risk.

Volunteer with Foster Friends Uganda today and be of help to many children, women and men in need here in Uganda. Your goodwill put into action will benefit and be of help towards making lives of people better. Apply as a volunteer today and make lives better.



There are millions of people here in Uganda that need help today. Through Foster Friends Uganda, you can support millions of children, women, and men that need help and make their lives better.

Foster Friends Uganda is always keen to encourage supporters in a host of ways. Whether you own a Company and would like to support our charity, whether you are an individual thinking of undertaking a challenge, such as running a marathon and raising funds for a charity, or whether you wish to form a 'supporters' group, we are always delighted and appreciative to receive your contributions to enable us to better take care of our children.

Washing Dishes



Lets Save and Relieve people from suffering together

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